Friends of Turnbull Logo

The Friends of Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge is a nonprofit organization that advocates for and supports the mandate of the refuge to protect and enhance wildlife and their habitats through education, research, habitat preservation and restoration and compatible public uses.


The Friends of Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, incorporated in 1997, that supports the mandate of the refuge to protect and enhance wildlife and their habitats through education, research, habitat preservation and restoration.

Friends organizations are crucial to the collective mission of the Refuge System to conserve and protext the whildlife of the country. Friends organizations are essential to helping us all understand that our actions today determine the legacy we leave for tomorrow. Turnbull is part of the National Wildlife Refuge System, a network of 588 refuges in the US, that stands as a stronghold for biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions supporting climate resiliency and conserving the delicate balance of nature.

You can download a Friends of Turnbull Brochure here. Membership is open to those interested at several levels:

  • Individual $15
  • Family $25
  • Business/Group $35
  • Student - 4 yrs $20
  • Patron $100
  • Benefactor $500

Donations, grants and fundraising support solely projects, environmental education interns, or events on Turnbull NWR.

geese family

For membership:

1) Use the pull-down Paypal button to select the membership level and make your membership payment securely, and 2) use the mailchimp Subscription Form below to sign up for membership list to receive notices; 3) Friends of Turnbull membership year is from July 1 - June 30 each year. All new memberships purchased during the months Februrary - May will be good until June 30 of the next year. Welcome to new members.

Use this link to become a member of the Friends of Turnbull NWR through Paypal. Choose the membership level which is right for you. Then sign up for the email list for activity notices.

FOTNWR Annual Membership levels
Membership yr 7/1 - 6/30

2) Next, Subscribe to our membership Activities Reminders list using mailChimp. We will keep you informed of activities, projects and more. You will receive a welcome letter from the membership chair. This is a double opt-in process so you will need to confirm your subscription with a reply to the welcome email. Thank you!

Subscribe to our Membership list

* indicates required
Choose your interests: (0-6)
  • Volunteer for Pollinator Garden workdays/committee

Alternative membership method:

1) Download FOTNWR Membership form here. 2) Print out, fill out, and mail with check to:

Friends of Turnbull, PO Box 294, Cheney, WA 99004-0294


Friends of Turnbull members can get involved in mission-related activities by:

  • volunteering to staff the Nature Store for a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday 3 hr. shift - 10am - 1pm or 1pm - 4pm
  • participating in workdays for Pollinator Garden establishment and maintenance on the Refuge
  • by attending or helping organize FOT fundraising events to support Environmental Education and other projects
  • by serving on one of the programatic committees: Activities, Fundraising, Membership, Advocacy, Pollinator Garden
  • volunteering to help with community outreach activities to raise awareness to the importance of protecting and maintaining habitat for wildlife (Earth Day and MayFest festivals, other community events).

Please check the back of the FOT Membership Form with your volunteer interests. Committee members will contact you

Coming Events